Bolinas Community Coastal Alliance - Key Events 

December 15, 2020

Approval of the installation of a stop sign, along with adjacent no parking zones, at Corner of Park and Brighton by the Board of Supervisors.


November 21, 2020

Marin County Issues the Measure X Phase I Monitoring Report concluding that that there continue to be

parking issues in Bolinas and that demand far exceeds the supply. Visitors and residents

continue to circle the streets looking for open parking spaces. It ends by recommending the intiation of Measure X, Phase 2 in order to facilitate turning over of parking spaces to facilitate day use of the beach by visitors.


September 21, 2020

BCCA provides report to Marin County DPW outlining in detail member observations on the effectiveness of Measure X, Phase 1.


September 7, 2020

LABOR DAY.  Unofficial count of camping related vehicles at 7am on Brighton, Wharf, Park, Hill. All parking was gone and there were 40 camping vehicles.


August 20, 2020

DPW conducts Measure X, Phase 1 monitoring at 5:30 am.  There were 139 vehicles parked in the Phase 1 area.


May 4, 2020

Completion of the installation of restricted parking signs go up on Brighton and Wharf Rds consistent with Measure X, Phase 1 implementation.


April 19, 2020

NBC Bay Area News Truck on Brighton for a live feed.


March 21, 2020

DPW surveys downtown parking in Bolinas at 5:00 am in order to establish a baseline before the Measure X, Phase 1 signs go up.  There were 81 vehicles parked in the Phase 1 area. Later that day, West Marin beaches experienced significant visitors that day which eventually resulted in the closure of all parks in Marin County.


February 4, 2020

Measure X: Board of Supervisors Votes to to Support Measure X, Phase 1 Implementation. which Bans Overnight Parking except for Automobiles, Pickups and Motorcycles in Downtown Bolinas and Establishes 20 minute Parking Zones in from of the Post Office and Bolinas Market


November 21, 2019: 

County Zoning Administrator gives Coastal Commission Approval of Measure X.


November 20, 2019:

BCPUD approves a Residential Parking Permit Committee.


November 14, 2019: 

Meeting with the County about the Definition of an Automobile under Measure X ordinance. The State legislated vehicle code determines the definition which the County must follow.


October 31, 2019

California Coastal Commission staff give the go ahead to the  County's revised application for the implementation of Measure X as submitted by the County on October 31, 2019


October 23, 2019: :

BCCA requested BCPUD to put in place this committee to explore the feasibility of residential parking permits for Bolinas


September 20, 2019: 

Community Meeting with Supervisor Rodoni at the Bolinas Community Center


September 11, 2019: 

Meeting among BPUD, Rodoni and the County at the Civic Center concerning the Coastal Commission Comment Letter


August 16, 2019: 

Formal Establishment of BCCA and its Steering Committee Previously referred to as BBNA (Bolinas Bay Neighborhood Associane).


July 15, 2019:

Coastal Commision Comment Letter regarding County proposed inplementation of Advisory Measure X


July 6, 2019

Meeting of the 22: BCCA becomes public after 22 Residents gather to talk about solving problems related to increase in visitors in Bolinas.  The small parking committee of concerned citizens reviews the BCCA Purpose with this larger Community Group





November 6, 2018
Bolinas passes Measure X


April 2021

Work begins on establishing formal Fire Saftey Zones (aka Red Zones) in Bolinas


March 2021

All Measure X signs are posted in all locations.