December 11, 2020


Measure X Phase 2 Moving Forward


Great news! We have made progress toward managing parking and camping on our downtown streets! Measure X was approved in November, 2019 and Phase 1was implemented last April. The County's evaluation of Phase 1 measure done in November 2020 found it to be insufficient in providing the turnover necessary for reasonable residential, community and visitor access to downtown areas. This finding triggered the County to move forward with implementation of Phase 2, which restricts overnight parking of vehicles not fitting the description of “auto, pickup or motorcycle” on the west side of Brighton, small areas of Park and the northern (lagoon) side of Wharf Road. Phase 2 will be implemented early in 2021 and completes the implementation of Measure X. The program will be reviewed in Nov. of 2021 for continuation. Continuation of parking restrictions beyond November 21, 2021 would require coastal permit re- authorization, and a subsequent Traffic Resolution approval by the Board of Supervisors.


For the full report including the map, please see the link below.


Other benefits from the Measure X implementation are the new green zones in front of the Post Office and in the shopping areas of Wharf Road, providing greater access for residents to these important community residents.




In addition to the Measure X news, we have made progress in the installation of a stop sign at the corner of Brighton and Park. The stop sign, along with adjacent no parking zones, is on the December 15, 2020 consent calendar of the Board of Supervisors. Approval means a safer intersection and higher visibility at this corner.




The BCPUD Resident Permit Parking Plan Committee continues to work on the establishment of a residential parking permit program for the downtown area that will support the implementation of no overnight parking within the Measure X zone and other highly impacted areas in town. It is hoped that this program could be approved in time to replace Measure X in November, 2021. A presentation of program ideas to the BCPUD Board is scheduled for December 16, 2020. A link to the presentation will be on the BCPUD website for community review and input.


As always, the BCCA looking for new ideas and additional energy. If you are interested in local neighborhood issues and want to promote actionable ideas into positive change join us.


Downtown Bolinas Area Overnight Parking  Marin County Measure X Phase 1 Monitoring - FULL Report



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